Diesel Fuel Additive For Winter Cold Weather Antifreeze Antigel Supplement Comparison Howes
With the economy being what it is and the high cost of air travel, car trips are becoming more and more popular. For many of us baby boomers and gen-xers with young families, a family vacation by car brings back fond and funny memories of childhood.
Have you heard of "Mancations" yet? It is the latest term out there when referring to vacations. They are just exactly what it says, vacations for men, and what better time than to give one on Father's Day.
Parents who have to travel often with kids, babies and infants are most concerned with their child's safety while traveling. Whether they plan to travel by car, bus, public transport, train or by plane, they look for measures which they can adopt to safely travel with kids. One of the most important is not have vehicle mechanical breakdowns.
Diesel additives could be the difference between a good performance this winter or struggling even starting your car.
Since the winter brings about extreme low temperatures, and it may cause the diesel to turn into waxy crystals and solidify, these crystallised waxy build ups could clog the engine filters
Your vehicle could stop from running since the diesel fuel won’t be able to move through the fuel line as normal.
When the cold months roll around, automobile maintenance becomes even more important than it is during the summer months. Cold weather is rough on the engine with cold starts, and salts can eat away at the metal on your car. If you live in a cold climate then you need to know how to maintain your car in winter time. Where should you start to make sure that an auto is protected from the coming cold?
Frozen hoses can do a lot of damage to your vehicle. Making sure that your antifreeze level is correct and that the mixture is ideal for the climate where you live is a very specific maintenance item that you need to take care of. If you do not feel comfortable checking it yourself you can often have it checked at your local service station.
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This could cause more serious damage, so with the aid of good cold flow improvers you will be able to keep fuel in liquid form.
Once crystallised, these waxy build ups can clog the engine filters of your lorry or car. As the diesel won't be able to get round the vehicle as normal, it could stop it from running.
Using antifreeze additives play an important role for keeping your vehicle tuned for cold weathers.
Not only that you can also protect the water in other parts of the vehicle such as the radiator, checking your levels regularly, also your windscreen washer fluid should be taken care of.
One of the main causes of vehicles non starting is battery, so make sure yours has enough level for winter.
Another good tip is to use garage to store your car overnight, this way your car is not exposed to the frost and snow creating conditions where you will not be able to start in next morning.
The winter diesel fuel (or winterized diesel) is diesel which is enhanced with special additives in order to keep it from gelling in low temperatures conditions.
So essentially you are improving the cold temperature characteristics of the diesel.
As mentioned above, colder temperatures can cause both waxing and gelling resulting in a partial solidification of diesel fuel.
When crystals begin to form within the fluid diesel then the flow of the fuel will be slower eventually clogging the engine’s fuel filter and other components, so the vehicle’s engine will top running.
A technical name for this point of crystallization is Cold Filter Plugging Point, or CFPP, which means the point where the fuel can no longer pass through the engine.
So in order to keep things moving, one of the best solutions is to use aftermarket additive blends, this way you are preventing gelling and waxing events in diesel fuel (solidification of diesel oil into a partially crystalline state).
The way these diesel fuel additives for winter work is by altering the fuel mixture’s low/cold temperature properties, keeping the diesel from freezing, allowing a continuous functioning of the fuel as a fluid.
Also keep in mind that even if you get the best diesel fuel additive for winter, they will work well only if added to the fuel when above its CFPP.
If you try to mix the additive when fuel is cold, it will not mix well so will be not effective. Also try to add the additive at the gas station after filling.
So to avoid issues gelling, waxing, clogged filters, freezing lines, etc. that could limit the efficiency of operation of your vehicle during winter season, invest on the best diesel additive for cold weather for your car.
When you used the proper aftermarket winter fuel additive blend, the CFPP of your engine will be lower so you won’t have problems starting your car during winter times.
Another name these diesel treated with additives is called is winter diesel.
So to give you a comparison, the fuel offered at beginning of the year may differ greatly in cold operation from that offered in summer.
There are many good brands of diesel additives anti gel for cold weather, such as howes, optilube, etc.