Squirrel New Year Resolution Book And How Children Can Make New Year Resolutions

"Do you know how to make a resolution?" Squirrel asked Bear. "Is it like making a snack?"

Bear laughed. "Resolutions are more important than snacks."

"More important than snacks?" said Squirrel. "What is a resolution?"

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Squirrel knows that New Year's Day is a great day for making resolutions! But what does it mean to make a resolution, anyway?

As she makes visits around the forest she learns about New Year's resolUtions and helps her friends get started on theirs. If only she can think of a resolution of her very own…

That’s the conversation between Squirrel and Bear about New Year’s resolutions.

On first day of January, Squirrel hears that a good thing to do that day is to make a resolution.

Since she doesn’t how to make one, let alone what is a resolution, she pays a visit to Bear, the librarian, who teach her that “a resolution is a promise you make to yourself to be better or to help others.”

Squirrel keeps thinking on her resolution, and as she walks through the woods, she meets other forest friends who need help.

She learns that helping her friends it’s a noble cause and the perfect resolution for next 12 months: “to help someone every day.”

This book is perfect for helping little children to understand the concept of having a New Year's resolution. It's a great excuse to kick off the conversation about resolutions in kids.

It’s a great story for reading out loud, filled with detailed pictures, and a plot simple to follow.

If you are having problems teaching your kids the general concept of making resolutions for this year, then this cute book will help you to explain this and other good concepts to your kids, and why not, it’s the perfect excuse for challenge them to come up with one or two good promises he will commit to accomplish this year.

Resolutions for kids, or promises to ourselves, are no different than the ones adults make.

Your children just need a simple mechanism to assess the goal toward the end of the year to see if they made progress to the intended target.

Use this wonderful resource and w let Squirrel, Bear and her friend help your kids understand how simple it is.

The following are examples of simple but powerful commitments children can make to become more disciplined and organized. These are targets appropriate for Preschool children.

I’ll pick up my toys and put stuff away where it belongs.
I’ll brush my teeth twice every day.
I won’t tease dogs – even friendly pets. I’ll keep my fingers and face away from their mouths to avoid being bitten.

I will be nice to other kids who need a friend or look sad or lonely.

I will talk with my parent or a trusted adult when I need help or am scared.

Below are listed some activities for squirrel's new year's resolution book I found on Internet, these are good resources.

For example you could find Sequencing page where students can color and cut out pictures of the animals in the story and then glue them in the order in which they made their resolutions.

These are fun FREE sequencing activities as a follow-up to the book Squirrel's New Year's Resolution.

It includes reproducibles the children will cut out and glue in the order squirrel meets the animals in the story.

Have the best year ever you and your family.