Natural Signing Stones Wedding Guest Book Alternative Mixed Glass Wishing Rocks Engagement Shower Gift
Wishing stones or Natural Signing Stones are a surprising and welcomed alternative to the traditionally accepted guest book signing.
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When you guest arrive you can display the signing stones by the vase, then they pick one and start writing their beautiful message for the couple and return the wishing stone to the vase.
As you can imagine the signed stones can become an wonderful home decoration and a memorable remembrance of the solid relationship with your loved one.
Of course a signing pen is not included in this package of stones, but here in this magazine I list some sharpie retractable ultra fine point permanent marker with a good variety of colors for your wedding guest.
The point is that you have to provide a fine or medium point permanent marker.
After all you don't want your good wishes disappear from the stone with the pass of the time.
There are approx. 18-20 stones for signing per package.
Stones are relatively small and vary in color.
Enjoy your wedding reception and best of the best wishes for your life!